6. Functional Programming


If you don’t love something, it’s not functional, in my opinion.
— Yves Behar

Functions recap

Functions always return a value

  • Usually not nil

  • (inc 1)2

  • (println "hi")nil causes a side-effect

  • All Input/Output is considered a side-effect

Pure functions

(str "hi" "there")
;=> "hithere"
  • No side-effects occur

  • Inputs always produce the same corresponding output

Side effects

(rand-int 100)
;=> 42
  • Not a pure function

  • Returns a useful result, but changes every time

  • Modifying a hidden state (or based on it)

Side effects

(def x 1)
;=> #'x
  • Returns a var

  • Side-effect: x can now be resolved

Side effects are useful

  • Databases

  • Files

  • User interfaces

Many Clojure functions are pure

(conj [1 2] 3)
;=> [1 2 3]
  • conj does not add something to a vector

  • conj returns a new vector value

Persistent immutable data structures

  • Clojure implements efficient immutable data structures

  • Creating derivative values is cheap

  • Using a Java vector would require duplicating the vector

  • Clojure uses shared structure

Pure functions are desirable

  • easier to reason about

  • easier to combine

  • easier to test

  • easier to debug

  • easier to parallelize

How can you change a variable?

(def v [1 2])
(conj v 3)
;=> [1 2 3]
;=> [1 2]
  • v remains unchanged

  • Manage change explicitly

Use Atoms for mutatable state

(def a (atom 1))
(swap! a inc)
(deref a)
;=> 2

Shorthand for deref:

;=> 2

Atoms work with any data structure

(def a (atom [1 2]))
(swap! a conj 3)
;=> [1 2 3]

Separate side effects out

  • Keep side-effects co-located

  • See atoms:

    • Pure function to calculate the next state

    • Atom to manage

    • Logic is separate from the side effect

  • Keep logic pure

Do not

(defn f [x]
  (def y 2)
  (+ x y))

Prefer instead:

(defn f [x]
  (let [y 2]
    (+ x y)))


(max 1 2 5 3)
;=> 5

What if you have a sequence of many numbers?

(def numbers [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])
(apply max numbers)
;=> 7
apply means to call or invoke


In Clojure we often pass functions as values

(partial + 1)

Returns a function that is equivalent to:

(fn [& args]
  (apply + 1 args))
  • captures an argument

  • partial application

partial returns a new function

Produces a function:

((partial + 1) 2 3)
;=> 6
(map (partial / 1) (range 1 5))
;=> (1 1/2 1/3 1/4)

Alternative to partial:

(map #(/ 1 %) (range 1 5))
;=> (1 1/2 1/3 1/4)

Functions on sequences

To embrace Clojure

is to think in sequences and data structures


(cons 1 ())
;=> (1)
(cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 ())))
;=> (3 2 1)
(range 10)
;=> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)


Clojure can produce infinite sequences

  • Don’t do this in the REPL

  • Press control-c to cancel the REPL if you did

take and drop

Limit the number of items to consume:

(take 5 (range))
;=> (0 1 2 3 4)
(take 5 (drop 5 (range)))
;=> (5 6 7 8 9)

filter and remove

(filter odd? [1 2 3 4])
;=> (1 3)
(remove nil? [1 2 nil 3])
;=> (1 2 3)
  • filter and remove are higher order functions

  • They take a function and a sequence

  • They return a sequence of values

Most things are seqable

(seq #{"a" "b" "c"})
;=> ("a" "b" "c")
(seq "string")
;=> (\s \t \r \i \n \g)
(seq {:a 1, :b 2})
;=> ([:a 1] [:b 2])

Clojure collections implement ISeq

Even Java types like strings and iterables

Empty sequences

seq returns nil on empty sequences

(seq ())
;=> nil
(empty? ())
;=> true
Common to use (seq xs) instead of (not-empty xs) or (not (empty? xs))


map calls a function for every element in a sequence:

(map inc [1 2 3 4])
;=> (2 3 4 5)
  • map inc over [1 2 3 4]

  • Result is a sequence

  • Not to be confused with the map datastructure

  • Name is similar, behavior is similar keys → values

map over multiple sequences

(map + [1 2 3] [10 10 10])
;=> [11 12 13]

Chaining operations over seqs

Output sequences can input for other functions:

(filter odd? (map inc [1 2 3 4]))
;=> (3 5)

Keeps odd numbers from the result of map inc


(g (f x))

"compose" really just means "put together"

Composition is aided by

  • Idempotence

  • Immutability

  • Purity

Aggregate with reduce

Reduce takes a function, initial value, and sequence:

(reduce * 1 [2 3 4])
;=> 24

Performs (* 1 2), then (* 3), then (* 4)

Multiplication called 3 times

(reduce * [1 2 3 4])
;=> 24

The initial value can be left out, if so it is the first element


  (fn step [acc x]
    (* acc x))
  (range 2 5))
;=> 24
  • Step function takes 2 arguments; aggregate and item

  • Step function called for every item

  • Aggregate returned

  • Aggregate can be anything…​ commonly a map


(group-by count ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"])
;=> {3 ["the" "fox"], 5 ["quick" "brown"]}
  • Produced a map

  • 3 letter words ["the" "fox"]

  • 5 letter words ["quick" and "brown"]

  • Can we do this with reduce?

  • frequencies

Sequences are loop abstractions

filter is like a Java loop:

for (i=0; i < vector.length; i++)
    if (condition)

map is like a Java loop:

for (i=0; i < vector.length; i++)
    result[i] = func(vector[i]);

reduce is like a Java loop:

for (i=0; i < vector.length; i++)
    result = func(result, vector[i]);

Sequence abstractions

  • Names for loops

  • Adds to our vocabulary

  • Recognize different kinds of loops

  • Worth the effort to learn

    • Reasoning more succinctly

    • Communicating more precisely

    • Writing less code that does more

Sequences and lambda expressions

Anonymous functions:

#(< % 3)

Handy for adding small snippets of logic:

(filter #(< % 3) (range 10))
;=> (0 1 2)
(map #(if (odd? %) "odd" "even")
     [1 2 3 4 5])
;=> ("odd" "even" "odd" "even" "odd")

More concise, descriptive, composable than loops

Creating sequences

(range 5)
;=> (0 1 2 3 4)
(repeat 3 1)
;=> (1 1 1)
(partition 3 (range 9))
;=> ((0 1 2) (3 4 5) (6 7 8))


(apply mapv vector [[1 2 3]
                    [4 5 6]])
;=> [[1 4]
;    [2 5]
;    [3 6]]


Common situation in Java:

for (i=1; i < v.length; i++)
    print v[i] + v[i-1];
=> 3 5 7 9

Using the previous value in the sequence

Can we represent this as a sequence?

Imagine two identical sequences offset slightly:

  [1 2 3 4 5]
[1 2 3 4 5]

map over both sequences

Recall that map can take multiple sequences:

(map + [1 3] [2 4])
;=> (3 7)


(def v [1 2 3 4 5])
(rest v)
;=> (2 3 4 5)

Put them together:

(map + v (rest v))
;=> (3 5 7 9)


v        => (1 2 3 4 5)
(rest v) => (2 3 4 5)
  • Sequences are of different lengths

  • map stops when the smallest sequence is exhausted

  • Produces a new sequence of the pairwise sums:

    (3 5 7 9)

Sequences beat loops

  • Must comprehend the entire loop

  • Loop bodies grow and change → more complexity

  • Loop “off by one” mistakes

  • Testing loops requires invasion

  • Duplication of loops to customize similar operations

  • Loops are not composable

  • Loops are easy to write, but do not provide leverage

New requirements

Multiply all of those numbers together

result = 1;
for (i=1; i < v.length; i++)
    result *= (v[i] + v[i-1]);
=> 945
  • Invasive to the imperative loop

  • The change occurs inside the loop

  • Intertwined

Sequence solution

Compose reduce with the original map expression:

(reduce * (map + v (rest v)))
;=> 945
  • reduce: Aggregate by multiplication the sequence

  • map: adding items together from two sequences

  • pairing: the sequence of elements in v, adjacent to the rest of v

This is dense, but descriptive code…​ if you know the vocabulary

Sequence solution

  • Unit test operations

  • Unit test the component sequences

  • Reuse sequences

  • Reason about transformations as composable parts

Sequences summary

Sequences are loop abstractions that allow you to ignore the implementation details

  • filter keeps items in a sequence according to a predicate

  • map calls a function over input sequence(s)

  • reduce aggregates a sequence, returns a single value

The “no loops” challenge

  • Spot a loop

  • Stop and think about what the loop represents

  • Rewrite the loop as sequence operations instead

Threading operators: why?

(reduce * (filter odd? (map inc v)))
;=> 15
  • Functions offer combinatorial power

  • Simple functions + sequence operations

  • To read this code, work from inside out

  • Finding the inside is a challenge

Solution: order forms inside first

Name intermediary results:

(let [incs (map inc v)
      odd-incs (filter odd? incs)]
  (reduce * odd-incs))
;=> 15

Or use a thread last

(->> v
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (reduce *))
;=> 15
  • Unwraps nested function calls

  • Avoids naming steps

  • Sometimes good, sometimes bad

Thread first

Similar to thread last, passes value in first position:

(-> 42
    (/ 2)
;=> 22

For empty expressions, the parens are optional:

(-> 42
    (/ 2)
;=> 22

Data structures are functions

(get {:a 1 :b 2} :a)
;=> 1
({:a 1 :b 2} :a)
;=> 1
(map {:a 1, :b 2} [:a :b])
;=> (1 2)
  • Maps are functions

  • They delegate to get

Keywords are functions

(:a {:a 1 :b 2})
;=> 1
(map :a [{:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}])
;=> (1 2 3)

get :a for each element in a sequence

Instead of

(map (fn [m]
       (get m :a))
     [{:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}])
;=> (1 2 3)

Sets are functions

(get #{1 2 3} 2)
;=> 2
(#{1 2 3} 2)
;=> 2
(remove #{nil "bad"} [:a nil :b "bad" "good"])
;=> (:a :b "good")

Vectors are functions

(get [1 2 3] 0)
;=> 1
([1 2 3] 0)
;=> 1


get can be passed a not-found value:

(get {} :a "default")
;=> "default"

Datastructures as functions do too:

({:a 1, :b 2} :c -1)
;=> -1

Avoid side-effects in lazy sequences

(let [message "Hello"]
  (map (fn [x]
         (println message x))
       (range 10))
  (println "Bye"))
;;; Bye
;=> nil
Hello is not printed


See manual end of section 6


(defn sum-between [a b]
  (apply + (range a (inc b))))
(sum-between 3 5)
;=> 12
(defn powers-of [n]
  (iterate #(* % n) 1))
(take 5 (powers-of 2))
;=> (1 2 4 8 16)


(defn shorten [s]
  (remove #{\a \e \i \o \u} s))
(apply str (shorten "Clojure sets are functions"))
;=> "Cljr sts r fnctns"


(defn fractions []
  (map / (repeat 1) (rest (range))))
(take 5 (fractions))
;=> (1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5)
(defn fraction-powers [n]
  (map / (repeat 1) (powers-of n)))
(take 5 (fraction-powers 2))
;=> (1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16)


(defn fib-step [[a b]]
  [b (+ a b)])
(defn fib-seq []
  (map first (iterate fib-step [1 1])))
(take 10 (fib-seq))
;=> (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)

Challenge 2: Processing files

Insuricorp branches collect applications for the “corgi cover” policy and periodically send them to headquarters in a large comma separated text file. You have been tasked with processing the files using the validation logic you built earlier.

Part 1:

Create a function that opens a file called corgi-cover-applications.csv and converts every row into a data structure and prints it. Next use that data structure as an input to your validation function and print the result. See slurp, line-seq, clojure.string/split.

Part 2:

The downstream Insuricorp systems will only be operating on corgi cover applications that pass your eligibility check. But the invalid corgi cover applications need to be sent back to the branches so that they can follow up with the customers on why they are not eligible. Create a new function that opens two output files and writes to them based upon your eligibility check. The files should be called eligible-corgi-cover-applications.csv and ineligible-corgi-cover-applications.csv.

Part 3:

A request has come in from several Insuricorp branches that if a person is ineligible for corgi cover, a short reason be supplied. That way the sales reps don’t have to spend time figuring out what they need to tell the customer. Create a new validation function that instead of returning a boolean, returns nil if no problems are found, or returns a string with the reason if a problem is found. Create a new processing function that splits the applications into two files based on the new validator.

Part 4:

As part of the Megacorp merger, the downstream systems are converting to JSON format. Create a new function that writes JSON data to a eligible-corgi-cover-applications.json file

End Functional Programming